Medical advances in recent decades have made a significant contribution to improving quality of life and raising life expectancy in industrialized nations. Nevertheless, there are still many people today without access to professional healthcare. As a global medical technology company, we have the expertise and product solutions to facilitate access to healthcare for disadvantaged groups in society and to improve the lives of these people overall.

Cancer education
We take part in a range of activities throughout the year to raise awareness and increase knowledge among our employees and the public of different types of cancer. This includes participating in international months, which highlight cancer diseases. In March, colon cancer awareness month, or November, lung cancer awareness month, for example, we talk about preventive measures, diagnostic tests and life-saving procedures. Through key partnerships, we support non-profit organizations that fight against cancer by providing access to health services and helping patients and their relatives to improve their quality of life.
Work in Africa
We have a strong focus on helping people in Africa and support non-profit organizations by providing financial support and equipment to help build a more stable, more sustainable health system in Africa. One key element to ensure a healthier future in the long term is the improvement of medical education among people working in healthcare.
Through its partnership with the EAU, Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe (OSTE) has provided support in Africa for many years in the form of medical equipment. For example, at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), the leading regional training centre in Tanzania, OSTE, donated equipment to train urologists. In partnership with the EAU, the Intensive Interactive Training Program (IITP) was set up for this purpose. The program comprises lectures and discussions with experts, as well as practical tests under supervision and guidance.